Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei, SV

Sister of Life | More…

Sohrab Ahmari

Op-ed editor of the New York Post | More…

Bassam Aramin

International spokesperson, The Parents Circle Families Forum | More…

Chris Arnade

Writer and photographer | More…

Jon Balsbaugh

President of the Trinity Schools Network | More…

Jeanne Bishop

Cook County Public Defender | More…

Fr. Zacharie Bukuru

Benedictine monk in Buta, Burundi | More…

Alberto Carignano

Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington | More…

Fr. Julián Carrón

President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation | More…

Robi Damelin

Director of international relations, The Parents Circle Families Forum | More…

His Grace Bishop Anba David

Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York and New England | More…

Daryl Davis

Musician and public speaker | More…

Ami Dar

Founder of | More…

Patrick J. Deneen

Professor of political science and constitutional studies, University of Notre Dame | More…

Andrea Domenici

Jazz pianist | More…

Christine Emba

Columnist, The Washington Post | More…

Jonathan Fields

Composer | More…

JD Flynn

Editor-in-chief, Catholic News Agency | More…

Barbara Gagliotti

Foundations Officer, AVSI-USA | More…

Dana Gioia

Poet | More…

Rex Hohlbein

Founder of Facing Homelessness Seattle and the BLOCK Project | More…

Sarah Hemminger

Founder and CEO of Thread | More…

Radoslawa Jasik

Classical music pianist | More…

Sr. Virginia Joy, SV

Sister of Life | More…

Carlos Martínez

CEO of 376 Management Group | More…

Giuseppe Mazzotta

Sterling Professor of Humanities for Italian at Yale University | More…

Fr. José Medina

U.S. coordinator of Communion and Liberation | More…

Molly Morkoski

Pianist | More…

Sebastian Modarelli

Music director and organist at St. John the Evangelist Church in Rochester, MN | More…

Seán Cardinal Patrick O’Malley

Archbishop of Boston | More…

Mario J. Paredes

Chief executive officer of SOMOS Community Care | More…

Christian Picciolini

Author | More…

Archbishop Christophe Pierre

Apostolic Nuncio to the United States | More…

Aaron Riches

Professor of theology at Benedictine College | More…

Ricardo A. Rivera-Cardona

Chief development officer of Somos Community Care | More…

Anujeet Sareen

Portfolio manager, Brandywine Global | More…

Rita A. Simmonds

Poet | More…

Matteo Stohlman

Software engineer in a DC real estate startup | More…

Marcie Stokman

Founder of Well-Read Mom | More…

Julia Stoyanovich

Assistant professor of computer science and engineering at NYU | More…

Lawrence E. Sullivan

Professor emeritus of theology and comparative world religions, University of Notre Dame | More…

Carlo Torniai

Advisory council member - DominoDataLab | More…

Fr. Marcel Uwineza, SJ

Rwandan genocide survivor | More…

Brandon Vaidyanathan

Chair of the Department of Sociology at The Catholic University of America | More…

Fr. Richard Veras

Director of pastoral formation at St. Joseph’s Seminary | More…

Giorgio Vittadini

Professor of statistics at the University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy | More…

Fr. George Williams, SJ

Chaplain for Saint Quentin State Prison death row | More…

Marta Zaknoun

Journalist | More…