School Contest Award Ceremony

Sunday, January 14, 2018
2:45 pm | Auditorium, ground floor

Marc Chagall, Abraham and Three Angels, c. 1964, sketch, via WikiArt

Marc Chagall, Abraham and Three Angels, c. 1964, sketch, via WikiArt

Contest Theme:
Father Abraham’s Tent: All Are Welcome

Contest question:
How does Abraham help us to know what it means to be a father?

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New York Encounter is sponsoring its third annual school contest open to students of Catholic schools in grades 1-8 in the Archdiocese of New York, Archdiocese of Newark, and Diocese of Brooklyn, in celebration of the gift of education as the path to a more human discovery of reality.

The Encounter’s school contest invites students to submit a drawing or essay responding to the contest question related to this year’s special children’s exhibit on Father Abraham.

A $1,000 scholarship for use at the winners’ Catholic school for the current school year is  awarded to the Grand Prize Winner of each of the two grade bands: Grades 1-5 and Grades 6-8. There are four runner ups recognized in each grade band. Student work will be displayed in an art gallery at the New York Encounter. The winners will be invited to receive recognition from Cardinal Dolan on the New York Encounter stage at Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street during the 3-day festival which will take place January 12-14, 2018.

Sponsored by Benedictine College.

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