Sunday, Feb 19, 2023
12:15 pm ET|Floor 2

Diversity and Dignity

A discussion on the meaning and relevance of diversity, with Justin Giboney, co-founder, and President of AND campaign, and Chloé Valdary, writer and entrepreneur, moderated by Marcia Otto, associate professor, UTHealth School of Public Health, Houston

Nowadays, diversity is constantly invoked (along with equity, inclusion, and accessibility) as the most important paradigm to address complex social issues. However, it risks being wishful thinking – if not an ideological imposition – when it is interpreted mechanically in terms of abstract categories of people, or sought through "training" and other shortcuts, without adequate human education. But what is diversity? Why is it a value worth affirming and pursuing?  What can help, or hinder, being open to what is “different"? Can the "other" be not only accepted but even embraced? These are some of the questions the speakers will grapple with.